Getting Started


This plugin is intended to be used in a project created with Vue CLI 3 and requires Node.js >= 8.

The Vue CLI LeanIX plugin allows quickly create custom-reports by adding the LeanIX Custom Report Library API into an existing Vue CLI 3 project.



# create a new Vue CLI 3 project
vue create my-custom-report

# change directory to the newly created project root
cd my-custom-report

# add the leanix plugin to the project
vue add leanix

# launch the development server and start coding!
yarn serve # or npm run serve

If you are on Windows using Git Bash with minTTY, the interactive prompts will not work. You must launch the command as winpty vue.cmd create hello-world. If you however want to still use the vue create my-custom-report syntax, you can alias the command by adding the following line to your ~/.profile file. alias vue='winpty vue.cmd' You will need to restart your Git Bash terminal session to pull in the updated profile file.


After adding the vue-cli-leanix-plugin to your Vue project the leanix-reporting API will be acessible as a global variable lx or, inside each Vue instance, as this.$lx.